Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Safe & Sound at Camp 2. However?

This is Diana, posting an update for Ben. He has arrived at Camp 2 safely where the team will rest for a few days. How long will be determined by the weather, once again. There is a cyclone in the Bay of Bengal that may hit Mt. Everest or change the weather on the mountain. The team has the computer and modem at Camp 2 for the purpose of checking the weather updates. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

Finally, Ben would like to wish his nephew, Joey, a very Happy 13th Birthday!


Louie and Ruth said...

We are continuing to pray for you the weather, and the team. God will go before you and make a way. Stay focused-look to Him.
Louie and Ruth

Nephew said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes. Butterfinger cake was good - Alex had a (very small) piece for you.

Praying for you always!
Sincerely, Joey

Josie said...

Best wishes for good weather.

Mother Nature !!!!!!


Sister said...

I enjoyed spending time with your son last night. He and Carly had so much fun together. Nana taught Alex a new word. We'll tell you it when you get back from climbing the tallest mountain in the world!! Laters!

Lisa H said...

This is so fun following this huge adventure with breathtaking photos and captivating stories. We're all pulling for Ben to reach his goal. Looks like the Fin teams made it up and down safely (with Carina being the first Fin woman to summit and already headed down to town to fly out) and it looks like the weather looks good for the 22nd summit push. Just read one of the main "problems" for a push to take a long time is "traffic jams" on the ropes?! Seriously? Hope Ben doesn't run into too big a traffic jam :). God bless

Anonymous said...


I'm reading your blog from sunny Boca Raton,FL thinking about you camped out at BC2. I wonder how you spend your days in waiting for the call to summit. This must be an amazing time of spiritual growth and development for you. You and God alone on the world's highest peak - I can only the imagine the conversations you two are having. Wow!!
