Thursday, March 18, 2010

One week to go!

Just one week to go and I am on my way. I made all of my last minute purchases this evening and I now have everything I need. I think? I am so excited. In some ways it feel like I am dreaming. Every year at this time I am reading and rereading all of the blogs and websites I can just to climb vicariously through others who are headed to Everest. This year is different. I am the one who is climbing Everest. How cool is that? My physical training is done. I am now resting my body, allowing it to heal from any minor irritations, and just enjoying my last week with my family before I begin a wonderful journey.
For those who are interested in following along on my blog as I attempt to climb Mount Everest, my goal is to update this blog directly from the mountain every couple of days. I will try to provide up to the minute photographs for you to enjoy and a little story as to what has been going on. Thanks for following along. Please keep my wife, son, and I in your thoughts and prayers over the next 2 months. Safety is paramount and will not be recklessly compromised.