Friday, September 4, 2015

Let the Climbing Begin

Yesterday the team climbed to 17,000 ft, which is about halfway to Camp 1 from Base Camp. Tomorrow they will climb to Camp 1 and return to Base Camp to sleep. For those new to climbing, this is how they acclimate to the altitude -climb high, sleep low.

Ben has been unable to send any pictures for me to include in his posts. It sounds like Ben is enjoying the time with the team. Please continue to pray for safety and good weather. Diana


Unknown said...

Go Ben Go..!
Sleep in the clouds and rest in the valley..!

Erin said...

Hi Ben!
We are praying for you, we hope you have an amazing time and return safely. May you encounter God's glory in a new way through this! Zack and I are cheering you on from our couch :)

Diana, thank you for sharing the updates!! Please let us know if we can do anything for you and the kids while Ben is away!