Friday, March 26, 2010

It's time to go!

Well, everything is in place. All gear has been packed. It's time to leave. It has been 3 years since I have last climbed in the Himalayas. I sure do miss the beauty and grandeur of the mighty Himalayan Range. As well, I miss the sights, sounds, and people of Nepal. Nepal is the poorest country in the entire world. Even poorer than the poorest of African nations. In Nepal people have to save up just to be poor (o.k. bad joke). However, the Nepalese do not know the meaning of "materialistic". They only have food for the next meal, clothing for the next day, and a smile that will last forever. For some reason the Nepalese are always smiling and happy. Why is that I have wondered? Possibly because they are not caught up in trying to "keep up with the Joneses." Family is all they need and a friend or two makes everything just right. I look forward to the lessons in giving and humility that I am sure they will unknowingly instruct me in. And with that I am off to the airport. After many years of dreaming, reading about, and watching videos on TV I am off to climb Mount Everest. It's still feels like a dream - a climber's dream. May God richly bless your life as He has mine.


Doug Whittier said...

Hello Ben,
I am so happy for your opportunity..!
May God bless your journeys and the weather..!

Anonymous said...

Dude becareful but give it 100%! I will be following your journey and praying for your family!

Paul Perea

Naseem said...

DO IT Ben!!! I'm glad you can live out your dream and will be praying for your safety, and for Diana and Alexander.

Aunt Christina said...

Ben I am thrilled to follow your progress and will be praying for your safety & many blessings on your journey. I will be seeing Diana & Alexander on my trip to Denver in April and am sorry I'll miss you... but I look forward to your blogs and all the pictures you will show me next time I'm in Colorado.

Much love,
Aunt Christina

Ruth said...

Ben We have both enjoyed reading your blog.Thak-you for creating it for us to know what is going on and how to better pray for you, Diana and Alexander. Stay focus and climb mountains for God.

Love and prayers,
Louie and Ruth